About SAI

Supervisors Association of Ireland CLG.

We as SAI

have been Supporting Supervisors from across professions


Promoting Cross-Professional Supervision

for almost 20 years.


‘Learning with,



about each other

as professionals’

About Supervisors Association of Ireland SAI


  • SAI was founded by a representative group of trained supervisors in June 2005 in response to a felt need to establish an association for Supervisory Practice across many professions.

  • SAI is in the unique position of being the only professional organisation in Ireland to exclusively serve and represent Supervisors from across professions, across approaches and across disciplines.

  • SAI is a self-governing professional organisation for Supervisors which upholds a Code of Ethics for cross-professional supervisors.

  • SAI seeks to develop high standards of professional practice amongst its members who are trained supervisors from across professions and trainers of supervisors.

  • SAI is an inclusive interdisciplinary learning group which promotes Cross-Professional Supervision, a term first coined by Dr. Geraldine Holton, the founding director of the organisation. The organisation seeks to build on Dr. Holton’s cross-professional research and promote ongoing research in the field.

  • SAI responds to the ongoing developmental needs and research in the area of supervisory practice for both supervisees, supervisors and trainers through annual conferences, CPD workshops, networking, active research and the annual publication of Ireland’s first journal for supervisors.

  • SAI seeks to raise public and professional awareness of the benefits of supervision as reflective practice for the well-being of clients, supervisees, supervisory practitioners and organisations.

  • SAI holds that Cross-Professional supervision is an important development for the profession and therefore supports it membership in understanding what it means to be a cross-professional supervisor and requires its membership who are not trained in Cross-Professional supervision to undertake some CPD training in the area.

  • SAI promotes an inclusive, adult educational model of supervisory practice across contexts and views supervision as an educational process which seeks to transform and empower supervisees/supervisors and their praxis.

    1. Part of a diverse, cross-professional, innovative network of practitioners.

    2. Part of a self-governing non-profit organisation which promotes a code of ethics

    3. Engage with new and emerging challenges and techniques in supervisory practice through Droichead, the Journal of SAI

    4. Continuing Professional Development Days & Action research

    5. Conferences-Workshops with international leaders in the field of supervision (discount for members)

    6. Full members inclusion in the web directory of cross-professional supervisors

    7. Full members also avail of ANSE membership, the European  Association for Supervision.

    8. SAI seeks to establish clear criteria for membership and clear criteria for recognition of Supervisory Training Programmes.